Sunday, 28 December 2008

28th progress

Busy day today!
Started work at about 10.30 and by 12.30 the dash was out. It was actually a bit simpler than I imagined but I think it will be a pain to put back in again!
I spent the rest of the day going round all the nooks and grannies with a stiff paint brush and then the hoover, getting 18 years worth of dust and grubbiness out. After that was a quick wash and wipe to clean things up.
I also tided up a lot of the recent wiring for the alarm and audio stuff, and went through labeling all the connections. All the screws and trim bits are in seperate bags read to be cleaned once the little fella is off.
So far so good, no damp floor or any signs of grot etc which is nice!

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